Company doesn't want to pay overweight tickets

by Ernesto
(California )

In California, is the employer required to pay the ticket?

I work for a company and they don't want to pay for overweight tickets. They did not fill out owners responsibility.

Thank you for your help.

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Dec 28, 2013
More info…..
by: Jimmy

Where do you pick-up from and deliver to with your company? Is it a company that delivers it's own product?

Do you load at your own warehouse and then cross state scales? If so, you need to come to an understanding with management about being overweight and getting caught. Jimmy

Dec 28, 2013
Thank you
by: Ernesto

Want to thank everyone for their comments. Legally, the company can a choose not to be responsible? Does that mean they have to supply an accurate scale?

Dec 28, 2013
Driver's repsonsibility
by: Anonymous

As a driver you are responsible for the weight of your truck. That is why you should always weigh your truck especially on heavy loads. As the driver you are responsible, if your over weight then you need to go back to the shipper show them your scale ticket, they need to make it right and legal for you to pull that load, if you don't do that then it's your own fault

Dec 28, 2013
Sorry, you lose.
by: Jimmy

Hey Ernesto…….It's drivers responsibility to get their weight legal. Some companies do have "owners responsibility" forms on file with the CHP in Ca. They can have "a-la-carte" forms as well, which means, the truck company will be responsible for mechanical violations or weight or log or all of them. Depends on what they want to accept responsibility for.

I once worked for a company that hauled sawdust and they accepted responsibility for overweight tickets because we couldn't always get a heavy weight and we sold the product in yards, not weight.

Some LTL companies will also have the form on file because their trucks are running around making pick-ups and deliveries and could possibly be overweight. Jimmy

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