Company leaves me stranded

by Justin potts
(LA, Monroe, USA)

Can my company leave me stranded without transportation to get home. My license just got suspended due to child support and I lease a truck been working two months with out a pay check because I can't get out of debt.

I'm 3000 in the hole. My child support is 518$ a month. My driver manager told me find a safe place to pull over so they can rescue truck and load... I asked him what about me he said he don't know I live in Ga but getting kicked out in Louisiana with no money and I can't get all of my things off the truck.

Is this possible for them to just leave me here like this because this feels so wrong in so many ways. I work my butt off for this company and they never look out for me.

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Oct 16, 2017
Completely missed the point NEW
by: Anonymous

You didn't answer is f****** question it's not about the load being delivered it's about him being stranded they owe it to him to get him home. That's my honest answer you redneck f*** what are you hitlers child ?

Feb 27, 2017
by: Jimmy

Yeah Pardner, you need a CDL to operate a CMV. If it's "suspended" you don't have a license, right ? Which means you can't drive (legally), so, your company needs you out of the truck and the load delivered, which means you are SOL until you resolve your license issues.

That's the honest answer. Good luck Jimmy

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