Company paid training or PTDI certified School?

by Andy

Why should I pay 3800 for training when Swift will pay for it for me? If you were going to do it all over again would you let a company train you for free or would you pay 3800 to be taught by a school? Please let me know reasons why too? Thank you so much!

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Dec 28, 2008
might want to check out this forum
by: Ursula

hi there,

you might want to read about other truckers and their experience with swift. I just came across this article yesterday.

good luck to you

Dec 06, 2008
Compnay paid traing vs 3rd Party School
by: The Crazy Trucker

Jennifer's right Andy
Community College is also a great option.

Did you decide yet?

Oct 21, 2008
Pay the 3800.00
by: Jennifer Schnittker


In the long run, you are so much better off to put the money out to pay for training yourself. If you go through one of the Big Companies for you training, there is a price attached to it. See the "Driving Schools." You are still charged, and usually that includes a commitment with that company for a year. During which time, you are slowly paying off (deducted from your pay).

Swift says they "will pay it for you". But you need to look into their contract with them. If you quit with in a year time, you will owe them money.

If you pay it yourself, you open yourself to a lot more options- where you want to work, the sky is the limit. Also, when you start with them, you will receive all of your pay. I also have to add, if you have found a school that only charges 3800.00 it is a great deal. My husbands school charged 6000.00

Something to consider

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