Company turned in a refusal to taking a drug test but I had already quit

by Redneck

I was working for a small company who was wanting me to run illegal all of the time when I got in I cleaned stuff out of my truck and was waiting on my ride.

Mean time, the boss told me I had to take a random drug test but I already had quit then they turned it in as a refusal what can I do about this?

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Jul 05, 2016
Fuck the dot/sap NEW
by: Anonymous

Not really find a small trucking company i failed drug test i have friendly non drug testing company gonna get into with out the bullshit S.A.P because they pretty much be little us and try and tell u ur a fuck up well thats some bullshit ill just drive on by fipping dot and everyone the birdy

Jul 02, 2016
You just posted the same thing twice... NEW
by: Anonymous

I really like you man.

You seem like a cool dude to hang with.

Have a good holiday weekend.


Jul 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

Lmao u think ur so funny yea I'd say u have blind sided ur trailer more miles than me blind sided right n2 shit at the Swift terminal u stupid fuck fuck off and have fun in ur wait for ur tow truck lol bitch ass

Jul 02, 2016
by: Anonymous

Lmao u think ur so funny yea I'd say u have blind sided ur trailer more miles than me blind sided right n2 shit at the Swift terminal u stupid fuck fuck off and have fun in ur wait for ur tow truck lol bitch ass

Jul 01, 2016
I said I wouldnt answer... NEW
by: Really, supertrucker?

..but you seem to be stuck in this "I'm not a truckdriver" mindset.

First of all, just to humor you, and myself, and "write a book"...just so you can comprehend because you surely can't type...

I own my own truck, a Peterbilt 379, extended hood with a 650 HP CAT, 18 speed transmission, and I have been driving Peterbilts ONLY for over 35 years now. I started when I was 16... had to stay off the highways as much as possible

I have no idea how an Elog works. I don't have a governed engine and I am not micro-managed.

You talk about backing more miles than I've driven forward.. at least that is "supposed' to be the joke.

You talk about being stranded at a truck stop or something... I run and I get there on time, and then I stop. I dont have all the luxuries you kids have like big screen T.V.s and internet truckstop toys.

I'm old-school all the way. Half the shit you are garbling about I don't even understand.

You sound pissed off, ignorant...and almost sound like you've done some time.

I take care of myself. I dont smoke, drink or do dope and I'm a huge fan of the UFC. I was one of those guys who witnessed the very first fight in the middle of the night when there were 'no holds barred' .... and in return, after getting hooked, I took up martial arts and all of the stuff that goes with it.


My guess is that you are probably in O.K shape, I have an idea about your "persuasion" just by the way you talk... and then I think, "no" .. youre a fat-fuck with a filthy mouth and a limited understanding on pretty much everything in life, which in turn gives you that hot-head.

I doubt that a woman could put up with your shit, because I know that you talk that way to everyone.

You show your ass, you do stupid shit, like probably having a shit-fit about your drug test and you just talk out your ass and believe that everything you say is the truth.

People like you need someone to write a book, otherwise you won't read and you won't get an education.

You make crazy assumptions and cry like a little bitch, which also leads me to believe that you truly do NOT run hard... unless maybe you have some "help" which is probably why you lost your job in the first place.

Are you with me so far?

Now, we are going into a holiday weekend. I am home, but I am headed out because I actually work holidays, nights and weekends, and my guess is: Ive probably BLIND-SIDED my trailer in more miles than you have driven forward... and if you truly are a Cattle pot....which you alluded to by talking about your poop-chute....

You really don't need to say anything more.

You would have been a "chicken-hauler' back in the day, and if you think that the term has anything to do with chickens, you are really showing your lack of experience.

You need to chill the fuck out, take a deep breath, get off the shit and slow your roll.

Shit happens when you are "acting" stupid, and I'm guessing with you, it is NOT an "act"

Enough said?

If all you have is more profanity and name-calling, just save it. That's for thugs and bitches. I've been listening to it far longer than you have and I think words are pretty much played out here, as are your years in trucking.. if you don't change your attitude.

Guys like you need to load and unload trucks... not drive them.

Have fun Beavis.... have fun.

I apologize to Herv for making a mockery of his forum.

Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

Haha u think ur so fukn funny setn there waitn on ya fukn elogs to reset so u can drive 64 mph to ur next fuck up is the only reason u have time to write ur gay ass book for a so called comment fukn dumb mother fucker cb Rambo gone cell phone Rambo

Jul 01, 2016
Wow.... NEW
by: Tom.... doesn't hide.

I would expect nothing less from a teenager.

You do realize in your last sentence that you called yourself "stupid" .. right?

Need I say more?

Why would you feel it necessary to push your resume?

If you have so many miles under your belt, why are you here asking questions (stupid questions) about the industry and its regulations?

You resort to name-calling because of low self-esteem. You shouldn't rush. Try to think things through. Maybe in the end you won't have anything to regret... like the fact that you are a self-promoting fool.

Be careful with what comes out of your mouth when you lose your temper. Trust me when I say: "shit is hard to swallow"

Everyone that is reading this already has you pegged.

I don't need to say anything else. You've said enough.

I won't be responding to your bullshit anymore... unless you'd like to talk to me face to face.

I don't go for hiding behind the keyboard as an anonymous internet warrior.

Hopefully you know how to pack your lunch.


Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

Whatever u stupid son of a bitch I have got more miles backing n to the cattle chute than u have been n all ur cunt life u prob drive for swift anyways and typing all this while u wait on a wrecker to come get u back off a fire hydrant or something I stupid piece of shit

Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

I had hoped that would all work out for you, as I said in my first post...

You do realize that you keep contradicting yourself, right?

You could have just posted up what you said... as your final post.

You are kind of an idiot, but hey, youre prob young.

Im glad it all worked out.... if you are telling the truth.

Your comments dont follow a progression of sense.

Whatever. If youve got another job, great.

And dont worry about those of us who have years and years of experience out here. We are still vulnerable to the same shit.

We cant control everythig but we sure can learn from our mistakes, and keep an open mind so that we can continue to gain knowledge.

Now, go hold the steering wheel and make yourself proud.

Stay safe.

Sorry for offending you, but that's kind of my way when I feel Im being played and Im actually trying to help. If I was wrong, hey, I was wrong.

You kept posting as


Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous

Well if u must no already took another drug test for another company and am back to work since I have never done drugs in my life I have no problem taking 100 drug tests and passing every single one and I wasnt fired I quit and like I said the only reason I didn't take a drug test for those stupid sons of bitches is because I didn't no anything about the mother fucker. Smart ass think I no it all.

Jul 01, 2016
To top that off... NEW
by: Anonymous

Most companies are EXTREMELY AWARE of the consequence of doing something out-of-line as far as the drug testing is concerned.

They are following a mandated responsibility. They cannot do this as a "payback" nor would they dare.

The more you seem to want to fight it here, the more it looks like they may have chosen you for a "reasonable suspicion" and if that is the case, the person responsible for this action has been certified by the government to do it, as have I.

You are digging a hole.

Talking to us is only to get uglier because we all know what it takes to keep our records clean.

It makes me want to ask... were you fired? If so, what for?

Your company was forced to mandate a drug test on you.....

You need to do your research bro.

It's not a game, nor is it taken lightly or looked at like a "whatever..."

Its almost as if you are reading a road sign mandate to stop and you are interpreting that stop sign as a "meh, only if I feel like it"

I know that this is a bit extreme, but this thread you started should have stopped a long time ago. If you had truly wanted our advice, you would have followed it and we wouldnt be hearing from you.

Obviously, you most certainly DO NOT want to take a drug test. You arent doing this on "principle'... you are truly afraid of testing. Its been over three days now, so I'm assuming you are either continuing to do something that you cannot stop, as in addiction, which is very common in the industry, or you have something in your system which can be detected for a long time.

I'm thinking that your company is trying to be responsible in that another employer does not take on your problems or create a liability or hazard to the general public. I might be wrong, but you are fighting this so hard, when its so damn easy to go piss test.

What are you worried about? Just do it and stop trippin.. unless you have something to trip about. Your company is paying for the test. Maybe they want to hang you. Maybe there is a lawsuit waiting for you also... we DONT KNOW both sides of the story, but many of have been on the "other" side, which mean, we may have been involved in termination, reasonable suspicion certification, Safety and Compliance, FMCSA mandatory meetings, etc.....

Here is a quote from a friend:

Denial is listed as an immature developmental defense along with delusion, distortion and projection in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV of the American Psychiatric Association. People who are not open to hearing information and criticism about themselves can become Masters of Denial. There is no end to what they can make themselves believe for their own benefit.

Jul 01, 2016
Drug test NEW
by: Truckers wife

Driver you just said u didn't know anything about the drug test ..but when u first said something you said in your own words waiting on your ride after cleaning out your truck .your boss said u needed to take a drug test !!! So which is it.did u know or not?

Jun 27, 2016
Didn't no NEW
by: Redneck

I understand that if I had known about it I shud have taken it but nobody ever said anything to me about a drug test. I didn't even no they wanted me to take one. I went n and quit and left they took it upon their self to turn in a refusal. But I didnt refuse anything if I had known about it I wud have taken it but it was never mentioned. I didn't find out until later.

Jun 27, 2016
look man.. NEW
by: Anonymous

...your number was up as far as the drug testing pool is concerned, which is govt mandated....unless your company was pulling a "reasonable suspicion"

Regardless of all the gory details and rationalizations, this is going to go on your record as a "refusal" and it will haunt you for the rest of your life. The trucking industry and insurance companies will want NOTHING to do with you (liability purposes most hands will be tied)

Like I said, go to court, get it exponged. We are all telling you the same thing here.

You might have all the great excuses in the world, but we can only give advice. The more you resist, the worse it looks, regardless of the circumstances.

If you do not want this to follow you for the rest of your life, you will have to resolve this issue.

I can't see it being settled without assistance from a knowledgeable attorney and an immediate drug test

I can't say anymore as there is nothing left to say. Just try to look at it like this: take away the circumstances and tell yourself that the government has drawn your name for a random drug test.

What are you going to do?

Jun 26, 2016
Not for dot NEW
by: Anonymous

But the fmcsa or dot wasn't trying to give me a test as far as I knew nobody was. I didn't no anything about the test. Am I supposed to volunteer to take a test Everytime I quit a job. Y shud I be expected to take something that i didn't no anything about?

Jun 26, 2016
Not for dot NEW
by: Anonymous

But the fmcsa or dot wasn't trying to give me a test as far as I knew nobody was. I didn't no anything about the test. Am I supposed to volunteer to take a test Everytime I quit a job. Y shud I be expected to take something that i didn't no anything about?

Jun 26, 2016
thing of it is NEW
by: Anonymous

You quit the company but you can't quit the federally mandated drug testing pool.

U don't want it to look like u have something to hide.

Drug testing has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you quit

You still carry a Class A, yeah??

You are drug testing for the FMCSA and DOT


Jun 26, 2016
I would never jeopardize my clean record NEW
by: Anonymous

I would go to court, fight it, and get it exponged. You'll have to take a test just to show u have nothing to hide, but u need to make that sh#t disappear!!

Jun 26, 2016
Why should i NEW
by: Redneck

Why should I still have taken the test I didn't work for them anymore I wasn't obligated to take a test for them anymore.

Jun 26, 2016
Well can go though NEW
by: Anonymous

The SAP program.. and hope another company gives you a chance...

It's going to be real hard to get onto a good company now...

Jun 26, 2016
Should have still taken the test. NEW
by: Anonymous

You still have to take the test....
As I was leaving another company on good terms I might add... I was given the same scenario..... YOU HAVE TO TAKE THE TEST.

What can you do? Your fucked

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