Con Ed Truck driver boyfriend

by Lisa G
(new york)

Hi Julie and Jennifer. My boyfriend works for con ed. I love him very much, but a few month ago I caught him on a website called eros for call girls. He was also on craigslist. He said the only reason he was on those sites was because I said we were thru. I decided to let it go and work things out but the feelings of betrayal are still there in my heart.

I feel like a sucker But I love him .He is a truck driver for con ed and is not an over the road truck driver. He comes home every day after work at 4:00 and he gets out at 3:30. Thats when he gets out .I have seen his paychecks and time sheet so I know this is true. I was wondering if you had any advice for me on con ed truck drivers.

Maybe hes cheating on his lunch break. I'm 25 and he is 53. I have these dream, nightmares about him with other women all the time. Maybe I am just paranoid since my ex husband cheated on me. Please write back.Thank you.

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Jul 04, 2010
by: Ashley

I wouldn't be concerned with it. It does sound like you might just be letting your imagination get the best of you. While it's possible he is cheating on his lunch break the chances are slim to none. He comes home to you every night and you know where he is when he isn't with you besides on the lunch break. I would just not think about it, it will put a strain in your relationship. If you catch him cheating than that's when it is over but if he is going to cheat it's going to happen weather you try to stop it or not. Don't plan to be cheated on and don't just suspect it, if it happens it happens but it sounds like it probably isn't going on. Another thing.. don't listen to people who judge you, they don't know you or your circumstances. If you love him than be with him. By the age 25 age is really just a number.

Jun 23, 2010
No future here.......
by: Jimmy

Come to your senses Girl, a 25 year old and a 53 year old, really now........ Jimmy

Jun 23, 2010
by: Anonymous

walk away an he's way to old get a young stud

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