Concerned about the relationship

by liz
(San bernadino Ca)

My boyfriend, a trucker,has cheated on me already once,mind you we have only been together for 7 months,at the point where we have our accounts linked in case one of us needs money from time to time...not sure how serious that makes the relationship.

However he came home for two days..min which I have barely gotten to speak with him for 3 minutes. He isn't really returning my call like normal or making time for me like he normally does.

Says he is sleeping but it's been over 24 hours since he said that and he is an b early bird would think that if your home you would want some "stress release" think I know what it is but I would like your opinion.

Also,he lives on the road but stays with his mom the few days he is home every few months.

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Mar 31, 2016
Are you Flipping serious? NEW
by: Anonymous

This is to 'I get HORNY once in awhile'. Take your 'HORNY' and place it where the sun don't shine. You have a warped sense of right and just plain stupid. Wow.

Mar 31, 2016
I get horny once in a while NEW
by: A beautiful flower

I'm just going to be honest and say this, some will agree and some might not but as far as I'm concerned a man and a woman need to be having frequent sex if they are in a relationship. He could be tired of traveling but if he doesn't talk to you on the phone from a truck stop or something just to let you know that he's happy because he will spend some time with you well those might be signs that simply things aren't the same or going very well, sex is something very important in a relationship in my honest opinion but hey that's just an opinion coming from a single 29 yr old pre-college student that wants to be a truck driver. Don't take my opinion in the wrong way but I've been single for a while and sex is one of the main reasons I would like a relationship and being out for so long would want me to atleast have a 30 minute quickly. Bottom line is you should communicate more with your husband to discuss what's gonna happen when he gets home, and another thing is you should be calling him more often if you think you should also because some times we as guys think we might be bothering you alot if we call you so don't just expect him to be calling you all the time, you should be the one asking for some precious time to spend together as soon as possible. You know he's lonely out there so don't leave everything to him and you should probably consider letting him spend some time with an escort once in a while. Be considerate and make him feel you are down with him and understand him. Make him feel wanted and that you need him and sex from him!

Mar 31, 2016
He goes home NEW
by: Anonymous

To his mommie?


Mar 30, 2016
Reason to be concerned
by: Hervy

I say that you definitely have reason to be concerned.

Who's idea was it to link the bank accounts?

My opinion is you need to fix that right away. First, there is nothing keeping either of you in the relationship. I think it is very unwise to have your account linked even if you are getting along well.

Since you two are not even on the same page with how you are doing the relationship, based on what you have said, it is even worse.

If the guy already doesn't treat you like you want to be treated, why would he respect your money. Now if your account is empty and he is helping you financially, that is another story. However, if he is taking care of you, it might have something to do with he attitude/behavior. Not necessarily consciously either. I mean that is another can of worms. So if it keeps him from doing some things that he wants to do with his money, it might be why he is iffy on the relationship and not talking on the phone, seeing you, etc.

Hopefully you are also making money cause it makes my opinion more solid. It is based with the idea that you both have money in the account.

All of this stuff matters depending on the circumstances of the situation, you must keep that in mind when you are reading this.

Like I said, unlink the accounts, then question him about the relationship, if you haven't already.

You made valid points. If he is gone for weeks and home for day, why doesn't he want to see you?

If he loves you why doesn't he want to talk to you on the phone?

If he loves you then what is he plans for the future with you?

If he gets mad, or makes some ridiculous statement as if that is a dumb question, it should be a sign to you.

As far as him staying with his Mom. I don't see a problem with that. It would be silly to waste money on his on place just to stay at it a few days a month. I do wonder why he doesn't stay with you though if yous guys went so far as to link bank accounts.

So, that is my 2 cents Liz. Hope it helps you move forward in a good way.

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