Confused about what is going on

by W

My hubby has been driving a truck for about 5 years now. We recently bought a truck and I am his dispatcher. I never had a problem with trust at all until a few months ago.

I was using his phone to take a pic of the baby and when I went to look at the pic i found 7 pictures of a girl on it, 5 of them naked. So he plays a game online and they chat in the LINE chat app. So, I open the app and find the girl is someone on there. I am not upset that he is looking at naked pics but there is a huge difference in looking at random strange pics and looking at someone you are talking to.

I managed to track her down on facebook and she is married with 3 kids and living in a far off state. I know they have not met at this point. He hasn't been anywhere near her.

When I confronted him he acted confused and didn't remember how those pics got on his phone. I do not believe that for a second. We moved on and then a few weeks later I found some videos of him talking very sweetly and he had sent them to her. Says he was trying to be nice.

He is not calling much anymore. He used to call home about 20 times a day but now when he is sitting all day he doesn't call at all. I think he is lying to me and that he is trying to have some sort of internet relationship.

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Aug 29, 2015
trucker wife doesnt get wheres the money NEW
by: Anonymous

I've been with my husband 13 , years married 2 I sit at home, I help raise grand son ,I have trouble when I only see him 3 days out of 6 to weeks when he is home,we are always arguing or we are so busy doing catch up on bills. He sends home money the so called check but they don't make sense, some,a lot of them have close to same amount of miles but large differences in the amounts coming home, my husband has his own truck now. I be already seen the porn and other things, but he never admits to doing anything wrong since I fought him on a site,plus he has mentioned that he clears his phone compleatly, history, also I think his mother has his back on something ,his dad passed away 3 years ago and since then he calls her 3 times ,at least 2 times a day,anyway he says he gives me all the money ,except his money, allowance 200 weekly I'm wondering why is there a1200 to 1500 dollar difference, any body know how to find out,I get check stubs,they show gas but that's it help a wife out I've been waiting forever to own a decent home I don't get why he can't be honest ,how do I find out if there are other accounts

Jan 16, 2014
Block him NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband does not have naked pics on his phone but I have noticed that since he is out on the road, which I say they are married to the road & to the truck & trucking is not a job but a lifestyle, my husband also calls less frequently. So in my cell phone under contacts, I now have my husband blocked in my contacts which means my husband cannot send me text messages, phone me, leave me voice mails & can't get a hold of me on facetime. Do that & trust me that will send a message big time to him!!! Good luck!

Dec 08, 2013
Cheating !!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

The bottom line it is cheating, it does not matter if they meet or not. I think cheating could be a number of ways, like emotional or looking at naked pictures of a women online. Him calling you less should tell you something. There is no excuse, it is all cheating.Also you need to look at,why does he have the need to look at naked pictures of women online, when he has you. I do wish you well, he needs to lay his cards on the table. Trust is a big thing,without that you have nothing.

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