confused on what to do

by Sparky

so I started dating a trucker whom I met online, and he told me he was single and after some time talking and getting to know each other we were falling in love (so I am thinking)

we live in two different cities and I have flown to stay with him a few times, but he asked me to move to be with him, and I have less than thrirty days and i get a message saying he does not know what he wants now.

should I believe he is just a player (he is extremely hot HOT HOT) NOT UR YPICAL DRIVER FOR SURE ORE MODEL LIKE. what should I think is this something they do play with people's emotions ?

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Oct 26, 2014
..... NEW
by: Anonymous

fantasizing about a guy who is hot and doesn't know what he wants sends out red flags....try being happy with you and you will be less inclined to make mistakes with a bunch of jerks..jss

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