by Alexa
Well, my beloved husband has always been a workaholic and a wonderful provider! About 1 1/2 years ago he decided to get a career change and got his CDL. At first, it was nice going on runs with him supporting him since we were doing it together and for us!
Months later, I became bored and irritated with trucking lifestyles (poor food, lack of personal hygiene, lifestyle) that I stopped going with him on trips. I understand that he works hard to maintain the household and but he doesn't put much effort in the marriage. I would like balance between work and home so we can continue to maintain this marriage!
I love him so much, and cant imagine my life without him or loosing him in any way! I used to see and hear stories of truck drivers having easy access to many woman either working at truck stops, lurking in parking lots, and or any other method. At the same token, i keep busy running the business, booking loads, and managing everything together so the business can run smooth.
I rarely see my husband like one a month between 2/3 days to a week (tops) its hard considering we are both still kind of young. Sometimes I feel like I can become week and get emotionally tempted to compensate myself for the loneliness but I know I would regret it a second later because I could never imagine hurting my only love but at the same time my heart is aching for him just to be my husband.
He is willing to find another local job but financially it would not cover our living expenses. He asks me what do I want / comfort or husband and I can guiltily reply "balance". I have recently felt week..... He is a very handsome and intelligent hard working man and any woman would be lucky to have him.
Its confusing because I am in love with him for the last 8 years but am not satisfied knowing he is out there all by himself and my bed is cold and lonely.
If you have any good advice please share it to your experience. Thanks for reading ladies or men!
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