consequences for leaving truck at unauthorized location

by charles barksdale
(north Carolina )

I'm currently working a 2 weeks notice with company they want me to drop the truck off at the main terminal but there is a trailer lot they have with bobtail sitting there 20 mins from my house.

If I leave the truck there can they legally hold my last check?

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Feb 18, 2016
Why take the chance?
by: Hervy

I don't know. Ask a lawyer. Now that that is out of the way.....

I feel you Charles. Hard to pass up the convenience. Especially if the main terminal is a long ways from home.

If I were you, I would talk to them about leaving it there. If they say no, I would ask if I could get a ride with another driver coming to the terminal.

Chances are you picked that truck up from the main terminal and not that yard. So, I think, (not sure, think) that if you drop if off there and they don't want you to, it could be a problem for you especially if anything happens to the truck. (Which you won't know if a claim is true or not.)

If you actually did pick it up there, I think (THINK) you might be good. You need to check with a lawyer.

But here is the deal, I talk to people all of the time who dropped the truck off somewhere else including company property with a all kinds of crap on their DAC report. Abandonment being the main issue for leaving the truck somewhere they were unauthorized to leave it.

Why even go through the potential trouble? Even if it costs you a few hundred dollars to get home from main terminal? If you want to be done with the company, I would take it where they want it and leave with no issues.

Because even if you are technically right and you win in the end, how much inconvenience, stress, missed time working because of what is on your DAC until it gets cleared up, or even possibly money for a lawyer will it take to get it resolved.

That's up to you which route you want to take. For me it would be no question. I would see if I could take it to that terminal. Then see if they can let me catch a ride with a driver coming this way. If neither of those works, I would pay my way home myself.

Good luck and let us know what you decided and how it turned out.

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