Convicted Thug-Felon

by Todd Johnson

Hello, in 2005, I graduated CDL school, but since then last year got a possession with intent to distribute conviction. I wanted to know is there anything in the trucking field I can do? Like drive dump truck or straight truck or rollback if possible? Can somebody tell me my options or maybe none? I just want somebody to be honest, I'm a man!!! Thank you the answers, crazy trucker!!!!!

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Oct 09, 2009
Convicted Thug Felons need a job too
by: Hervy

Whats good Todd,

Jimmy gave you some good advice man. I also emailed you someone's number out there who might be able to look out for you when things pick up. He does landscaping and knows some people out that way with trucks.

Just remember your attitude will be what carries you when you check with all of the people you talk to and places you check out.

That recent conviction will be a big challenge but you need to make a lot of calls to trucking companies to get a real feel of what to expect from people.

Also try checking with moving companies and see if they need driver helpers.

Later man,

Oct 07, 2009
Getting hired as a felon. Todd from Hickory.
by: Jimmy

Todd, my answer is the same as Sept 5th. I know it's discouraging, but just keep at it. Any related type work that keeps you near the "action", such as dock work, mechanic helper, shop work (heavy duty), parts runner, truck wash, truck stop, anything at all that you can be near truckers and then, start networking. What you need is an O/O that has a record and understands your situation. He's out there somewhere.

Also, try connecting with some brokers and getting some phone numbers of O/O's or leaving yours. Jimmy

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