Conviction for suspension/revocation do i got any hope?

by Xay


Looking for some advice my thing is I received my CLP a year after a conviction for driving while suspension/revocation back in 04/7/14 the reason was because of SR22 and I was driving not knowing my License was suspended because my insurance had lapsed is there any school/company that will give me a chance?

Any advice is appreciate it.

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Jan 04, 2016
Revoc of license
by: Anonymous

First go y o dmv,usually reinstatement can be accomplished by forkn over $$.,,,then get insurance,like others say,if u wernt involved n multipl ticks,vehicl homicide.,.

then u wil be reinstated....then sell your soul to a major carier,get that experience two years,safe driver,no speeding ticks...good luck

Jan 04, 2016
Doesnt sound like a big deal...
by: Anonymous

Its not like you had a DUI or raped someone.

You didnt have an accident, or a fatality...

The SR22 and slapped with a CLP.... shouldnt get a second look... well, maybe an explanation I suppose.

It wasnt that long ago... that could be an issue. It all depends on the insurance company... trucking insurance companies dictate EVERYTHING to the company as far as hiring is concerned

A driving school could care-less.. they are just going to take your money and get you a job with a huge company that will work you for little to no pay while you live on the road...

You should already know who those companies are...

I didnt look to see if you were from the U.S....??

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