
by James West
(Omaha,NE USA)

Hey Guys. There are some things you must know about being hired as an ex-felon. The reason why MOST companies say no is for insurance reasons only. The way it works is that the hiring manager(s) must go through their insurance company for anybody they hire. The insurance company can say NO FELONS, or 5-10 year gap after conviction. Truck companies won't tell you this but that is the reason why MOST (but not all) companies say no. You have the option of being bonded by an insurance company and that might put you closer to your goal (though it is not a fool proof). Don't give up. Someone is bond to say yes.

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Apr 18, 2014
Pathetic NEW
by: Anonymous

I just think its pathetic that the insurance companies should have the first and last say about a persons life and career whether they get to work or not.

I can understand if you have a bad MVR but if a felony is 10+ years old and there is nothing else after that, why even consider what the felony is. I mean geesh, 10+ years clean? the persons trying to get their life together and do right.

Yes some comapnies get burned by felons, but most of the burning is from employees that have never gotten a felony and dont care about the employer. Felons are grateful to have a job.

Mar 15, 2012
dealing ? NEW
by: Jimmy

Yeah, I agree. People deserve 2nd chances....You just need to convince the powers that be, namely the honchos at the companies. But, I can tell you drugs and trucks do not mix. And most companies can't afford to take a chance. Jimmy

Mar 15, 2012
Drug Charges NEW
by: Anonymous

So is a selling narcotics charge an automatic denial (even if they don't say that) with the trucking industry. No matter how far out it is.

Sep 03, 2011
why not
by: will

What I dont understand is why is it judged on a felony and not the situation. Why not look at the circumstances, the time between arrest if theres more than one. I understand insurance companies call the shots but people are suppose to get second chances right?

Jul 02, 2009
this is bull shit we need second chances
by: Anonymous

i think its bullshit Americas is full of shit i went to school and the insurance com its all bullshit everybody dersever another chance nobodies perfect if i still wanted to sell drugs i wouldnt of went to school for this why aint no point

Jun 06, 2009
by: Jimmy

Good info and accurate. Same with DMV record, it's the companies insurance carrier that calls the shots.

Moral of the story? Keep your record clean. Period. Jimmy

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