could a new driver take along his WIFE in his truck throught his driving career, without being a qualified driver

(cleveland,ohio, cuyahoga)

i want to just know if im to be a truck driver something really wrong with me bringing along my wife to everywhere i go? (I MEAN EVERYWHERE) not calling her a, but simply saying she can be more motovation for me on the road, as well as she is helping me studying now. because we plan to be roughing it on the road for 5 to 6 years straight or even more, been through hard time before and we're a team.

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Sep 26, 2013
Riders in the truck NEW
by: Hervy

It varies from company to company, check the rider policy at the company before you choose.

Aug 12, 2012
Of course you can!!
by: Anonymous

Hi, I know you posted this last year, and hopefully you and your wife are already enjoying the open road together! I just want to add that you CAN take her with you the day you start driving (after training) for your company.

You only have to pay a small insurance fee every month. Ours is only $8.00/ month! It's no problem. My husband and I are absolutely inseparable. The mere idea of having two separate jobs and being away from each other all day breaks both of our hearts.

We did that for the two first years of marriage and it was so hard because we are best friends and missed each other constantly. Couldn't even concentrate on our work.

So, we understand EXACTLY how you feel! Now, we are together on the road, and I help him unload the trailer at Family Dollar stores. We get exercise AND finish the job in half the time of a solo driver. This way, we pull in a lot more money and I don't feel so useless.

We've never been happier, and I hope I helped you feel a little more at ease with taking her along, and don't be afraid that the people at the shippers see her.

Soooooo many truckers take their wives along... It's no big deal:) Good luck!!

Mar 06, 2011
You go Lonnie
by: Hervy

Lonnie, I think it great that you feel that way man. Hopefully you both will remain enthusiastic about being together in the truck in those close quarters, some go crazy! (I'm just kidding not really crazy!).

There is excellent advice below my post, so I won't say much, read what Katrina and anonymous has written.

Be sure to ask about the company policy on riders before you sign on.

Ask if they have a rider program.

See it in writing somewhere,(contract, website,company policy on the wall) not just words from the recruiter at the company.

Mar 03, 2011
Yes, depending on the company
by: Katrina Miller

My husband has been a driver for over 30 years, and since we married in 2004, I have gone with him several times. Most companies have a form that you have to fill out saying that they take no responsibility if something should happen.

We make sure that we have our insurance up to date, in case of an accident and so far (Thank our Good Lord) we haven't ever had a problem. I would suggest that you check with the company you drive for or if you are an owner/operator (like my man) about they policies.

I know that we miss each other when we are not on the road and hopefully before too long, that will change and I can go with him all the time. Good luck and enjoy the road, it is a great place to be.

Mar 02, 2011
From on the truck!
by: Anonymous

Hi! My guy went through his training and got on his own truck at the beginning of December.Both he and I were very miserable without each other. We prided ourselves in the team we had become and without each other we both felt our team was on a loosing end...

So at the beginning of January I quit my management job and joined him on the truck.Best thing I have ever done! I help him with planning his trips,making sure he eats and takes care of himself. We listen to music and audio books.
I read to him.

We are OTR so we get to see some of the most beautiful country together everyday! Right now we are traveling through beautiful Ohio to Iowa,it a beautiful day and I am with my best friend,teammate,and love of my life,enjoying every minute of it!

Mar 02, 2011
by: Anonymous

I'm not a trucker but want to be one. From what I hear you will need to wait 6 months to a year to bring along your wife, as you would be new to the game.

I am pretty sure most companies would consider it a liability risk to have your wife along but there are many out there that she could go with you but you have to wait 6 months to a year.

Your first year is nothing but training and you can't be distracted.
I have seen this question asked before on here and that's how its been answered before

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