cr england, pam & stevinson transport trucking schools and jobs in dallas, tx area.

by Eddy
(Carrollton, Texas)

I've been a automotive tech for 25 plus years looking for a new career as a trucker, have a cousin as a trucker & he has already explained to me the hardship of the first 2 years of being over the road.

Which dallas,tx area trucking school CR England, PAM, Stevens Transport or others that you know of would be the best place for me to start ? a long term career into the trucking industry.

Also looking to see if you guys know any trucking schools that is associated or will accept a school loan through FASFA its a government school loan grant organization.

Thank you for your time and a response !
Contact me at
Eddy E.

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Sep 29, 2010
cr england, pam & stevinson transport trucking schools and jobs in dallas, tx area.
by: Dennis Shipman

Why would you want to change careers? If anything, you should go back to school to learn how to repair Diesal engines. That is going to become a hot field, not drive someone elses equipment you have to pay to learn. At the end of the day, its your decision but illustrates something I have written in numerous articles on this site. Truckers are not a smart breed, and the treatment we receive is well deserved. Alot of companies will train you if you sign a badly written contract agreeing to work for them for a pre-determined amount of time. These contracts aren't worth the paper they are written on. But any of the companies you named may hire someone looking to become their slave. 10-4?

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