CR England will give you a chance

Well I am IC for this compony for now til I get my time in I hope it goes by fast I dont get much home time due to living in northen state's.

My DM jacks me around all the time with my load's & Pay. There Trainning program is joke but its a step in the door I guess. They put you up in a nasty motel & you have to bunk with a bunch of slobs & they change you rooms all time your out on tranning for 3 weeks class room & phase 1 is one month & phase 2 is two months This is a TEAM job always smelling some other person's farts. They deal with a lot of BS on your driving record I guess I have only heard that from others.

The most important thing with this company is to tell them everything up front & they will give you a chance.

Its worth a shot suck it up & deal with it for the time being if you really wanna get in thats what I did just somthing to get my time in I hope this was help to the rest of you & good luck

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Sep 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

Nothing but lies from CR England. If you want to get ripped off at every turn these Englands have it down to a science.

Nov 21, 2009
so true
by: Anonymous

well this i what happens when you work for a big company i worked for CRE not as a driver come on now i got to much brains to work for them i work as a instructor and in the office now if that CK reads this he will know who this is i dont care look CRE CRST and all them big company only care about one thing drive drive drive and dont hit shit they dont care about you so if you think its going to better somewhere else then get a new line of work.........

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