CR England

by chris
(sprng Mo)

Has there ever been any lawsuits filled against cr england.Has cr england ever faced documented criminal
springfield mo

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Feb 01, 2011
wabash of utah england owned
by: old man

as of late they have a system of flat rate to tech in shop where they have to repair any damaged to a trailer yard or shop even if it from faulty egu (yard dog) at no cost to co. pay scale goes like this tech gets a precentage of labor
job is est for say 8 hours they put an unskilled tech (18 years of age) no tools to speek of on a brake job with no supervision and and it takes 10 hr job fails (if its caught) then they put a skilled tech to repair it now the job go 14 hr so they split the hrs pay 1 tech 3.5 and the other (pro) gets 4.5 both tech loose and customer (outsider co. ) is left dissatified the ratio of skilled to green tech is 30 % skilled 70 % unskilled just the tip of the ice berg to be far the skilled tech get payed well if they are the only one applied to any job job goes well how ever the un skilled tech get no training they do brakes welding supension all with out training

Mar 25, 2009
Trustworthy trucking companies is the Question.
by: Jimmy

Well, I've worked for a bunch of companies over the years and I will say that almost all of them have fudged the pay system in one way or another to THEIR advantage.

Generally, it's small amounts and most drivers know it and accept it. Mostly it's on the way they pay for dispatched miles. You run 1265 actual miles, but are only paid 1230 as an example.

I would be willing to bet even today, companies are paying for mileage going over Hoover Dam into and out of Nev/Az instead of going through Laughlin, since Hoover Dam is off limits to trucks since 9/11.Thru Laughlin is 23 miles extra.

Whenever you do a "favor" for dispatch, like shuttle a trailer locally, or swing by such and such which is 18 miles out of your way, you be doing it for free. Ever arrive at the consignee and find out they want it at their "other" warehouse, which is 7 miles the opposite direction? Again, you ain't getting paid for those miles.

A little trick I picked up on years ago is to turn in a receipt for something I bought for me that wasn't identified and claim it as a lightbulb or headlamp and get reimbursed as if it was a headlamp. However, the receipt has to be blank and not say milk, or a magazine or whatever you actually bought. Most companies allow you to pay cash for an inexpensive item for the truck, and not have to call in for a P.O.

Understand this, trucking companies, whenever thay have to cut expenses, go straight to the drivers, because that is where they can manipulate figures and gently get into your wallet without you even knowing. They can't manipulate hourly employees pay in the office/shop, but they can with those dumb azz drivers, most of who don't even read their pay stubs.

Here's another "trick" to even out the playing field. If your company pays a fuel bonus, on the last day of the month when it's the cutoff day and you are fueling, short fill your tanks by 10-15 gals and it looks like you got damn good fuel mileage and you get your bonus. You can also short fill your tanks each time if you want, but just by maybe 5-7 gallons. If you apply any of these suggestions, just don't advertise it. You can also put company paid reefer fuel into your power unit. Shhhhhhh, keep it to yourself. Jimmy

Mar 25, 2009
$$$$$$$ or TRUST
by: Anonymous

Go to December2008/January2009 issue,Judge rules against C.R. England, for truckers, By; staff editor,Coral Beach,


Mar 25, 2009
Chris is investigating trucking companies
by: Jimmy

Hey Chris, how's things in Springfield? You, as a person with a question, and us, the folks attempting to answer those questions and that represent this website, need to be careful about accusations and or slander. We wouldn't want to contribute to gossip or cast a shadow on anyone or any company.

Having said that, I personally have not heard of any criminal lawsuits against C.R.England. I did read someones blog that said they were sued for misrepresenting their lease/purchase program. A lot of companies have been sued for the same thing over the years and that is public record.

There is so much gossip/rumors in this biz, that unless you have the facts, you have to treat it as gossip.

If you absolutely have to know, Google the Courts system in Salt Lake City and pull up whatever it takes to search court records and see what you can find. Hope this helps. Jimmy

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