c.r england

by shekhar


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Oct 18, 2010
by: Anonymous

yes i was a trainer leased truck, 2 guys besides my self in the truck, i talked with john smith at denver terminal, and he told me, there is a fine line, if you run hard and have 2 guys in the truck with you, and you make no money for 3 weeks, he wouldnt stay either, these poor guys have no money, im feeding them with what i made training, and they say you dont have to, but how the hell are they going to drive and be safe if they dont eat, cr england sucks.i walked and left 7000 dollars in maintenance account and they wouldnt give it back to me.

Jan 30, 2010
Runnnnnn from CR England!
by: Anonymous

Let me rephrase. If you are looking to get into trucking...you have no mortgage, car payment, child support... you should preferably be broke and homeless, then go for it. You have nothing to lose, like me.

I worked hard at CR England, quit smoking and was hungry all the time. I usually paid my child support late, but in the end,did OK. I left there broke, but acquired the skills and experience enabling me to find a job with an honest,good-paying, reputable company.

Here's the deal: England is grooming everyone who will listen, to lease a truck from them. Go lease! They make it sound great. And it sounds great. At first.
There is big money in it for England, not for you. You will get enough miles to pay for England's truck & insurance & other incidentals, leaving a little chump-change for you to eat on.

That is the truth.

Look, when a company convinces you to:

1) pay $2,000 or more/month leasing a truck
2) pay $800 or more/month in insurance
3)pay 15% of your earnings on a penalty called "variable mileage"
4)pay 6.5% of your earnings to a maintenance fund
5)pay 1.5% of your earnings for fuel tax fund
6) actually pay for all the fuel, oil and maintenance...

well, you do the math and you will find very little is left over for you.

Unless you like to gamble, don't get suckered into this Bad Deal from the filthy little thieves at CR England...

Nov 18, 2009
CR England
by: Anonymous

Well I am IC for this compony for now til I get my time in I hope it goes by fast I dont get much home time due to living in northen state's. My DM jacks me around all the time with my load's & Pay. There Trainning program is joke but its a step in the door I guess. They put you up in a nasty motel & you have to bunk with a bunch of slobs & they change you rooms all time your out on tranning for 3 weeks class room & phase 1 is one month & phase 2 is two months This is a TEAM job always smelling some other person's farts. They deal with a lot of BS on your driving record I guess I have only heard that from others. The most inporten thing with this compony is to tell them everything up front & they will give you a chance. Its worth a shot suck it up & deal with it for the time being if you really wanna get in thats what I did just somthing to get my time in I hope this was help to the rest of you & good luck

Nov 18, 2009
CR England
by: Anonymous

Well I am IC for this compony for now til I get my time in I hope it goes by fast I dont get much home time due to living in northen state's. My DM jacks me around all the time with my load's & Pay. There Trainning program is joke but its a step in the door I guess. They put you up in a nasty motel & you have to bunk with a bunch of slobs & they change you rooms all time your out on tranning for 3 weeks class room & phase 1 is one month & phase 2 is two months This is a TEAM job always smelling some other person's farts. They deal with a lot of BS on your driving record I guess I have only heard that from others. The most inporten thing with this compony is to tell them everything up front & they will give you a chance. Its worth a shot suck it up & deal with it for the time being if you really wanna get in thats what I did just somthing to get my time in I hope this was help to the rest of you & good luck

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