criminal background

by kenny

i have a question and would like to see if you could answered it for me. i just recently got my cdl back from being suspended for a drug conviction and i am having a lot trouble finding anyone that is willing to hire me, being told that their insurance company won't let them hire with a drug conviction. i know not all insurance companies are the same and was wondering that what do i have too do or do you know any companies is willing to hire me. the reason that i got this drug conviction is being in the wrong place. i paid for a ride home and the driver of the car said that he had to make a stop at the house, i assume that he was talking about his house and not at some dope house. when the police pull us over and search the the car that when i found out that he had bought the drugs and the police charge us both with simple possession. now having hard time finding employment behind this. i also do not have recent otr epx., but i been driving since 1994, doing local work. trucking companies want a ten yr work history and they can see that i have otr exp.

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Mar 09, 2009
Kenny's questions.
by: Jimmy

Kenny, just keep calling around. You have 3 hurdles to get over.
1. A recent suspension of your CDL
2. A recent drug conviction
3. A really lousy economy where many companies are
not hiring and even laying off.
The big hurdle is the drug thing. One suggestion is tell recruiters you want lease/purchase. Companies LOVE to get new hires into L/P program. It benefits them greatly. Good luck. Jimmy

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