Damn yard maneuvers

UGH.....I'm so damn frustrated.....I went into friggen trucking school not even knowing how to drive a stick...i friggen passed my driving test and failed my maneuvers.....I have the choice, go back for a week and pick up more practice on the maneuvers or just hang it up all together.......what woulda trucker do......damn maneuvers

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Apr 19, 2010
putting that truck where you want it.
by: Anonymous

most new drivers, and I was one...have the most trouble backing up a trucck and trailer. My hubby taught me to drive, but could not teach me to back up.
I was trying to back to a dock, when this very nice guy hollared on the cb, and asked if he could give me a small piece of advice. I was frustrated, and looking for any help I could get, short of having someone else back it in..So I said Sure...He said...PUT BOTH YOUR HANDS, PALMS UP, ON THE BOTTOM OF THE STEERING WHEEL. KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE TRAILER TANDEMS, AND GO SLOW. YOU WON'T OVER STEER, AND IF YOU GET THE TRAILER TANDEMS WHERE YOU WANT THEM, THE TRAILER IS WHERE IT NEEDS TO BE.
I did as he said...and it was a miraccle !! the trailer hit the dock perfect !!
I've been driving for nearly 14 years now, and I still back up this same way.
I went to a very small trucking school, a 1 week course (I'd driven years ago, but needed ALOT of refresher). ONe of the many things I got from that school was...when pulling up behind traffic at a light..always stop where you can see the taillights of the vehicle infront of you...That keeps the cars from hiding under your hood. And warn other drivers before changing lanes, use those blinkers !! Its now termed agressive driving if you fail to leave your blinker on long enough.
Also, I was taught to make "L" turns at intersections. I pull as far out into the intersection as I can, then make my turn. This will keep your trailer tandems from running over the curb, lightpost,people, or whatever.
In my years driving, I have had NO accidents, tickets, or incidents. A good teacher is a must, a sensible mind will keep you alive, and experience will give you confidence.
Good Luck...

Oct 10, 2009
by: Jennifer S

Practice makes perfect, go back until you finally succeed, you know the saying

If at once you do not succeed, try, try, try again


Oct 10, 2009
Failed this week, but will pass next week.
by: Jimmy

You will pass on your next try. Do you think you are the only one that ever failed on your first attempt? Don't let me down, or yourself. Jimmy

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