Dating an OTR Truck Driver

by Bella R
(Lubbock, TX)

I found out that my new neighbor is an OTR truck driver. We met briefly about 3 weeks back and hit it off. He seems to be into me, and got to briefly meet his "step" mom and dad. He seems like he is Christian but I am a little wary about dating a OTR trucker.

1. Christian or not, you never know what happens when they are not around you. You can read all the bible you want but when that hooker, loose woman or fellow adultrer comes around, are they saying "No"

2. Given that he came on so strong after our initial brief meeting, wondering if that is part of his plan with most women, so he might have many more stashed up in different places.

3. I found out from his "step" parents that he is divorced with two kids, and the ex has alienated him from the kids. Yet I saw a few pics of him with a female "adult" in his photo library while he was showing me other pics.

4. He does not seem to be talking about any specifics when it comes to intentions. He left after a few days, and we met briefly. I made sure to stay in my lane and not interact with him.

5. Since we're neighbor's it might become an issue if things don't work out, I'd rather be safe than sorry.

Any advice on how to proceed with this "potential' relationship is appreciated. I'd rather not go out on a limb with an relationship, that is not based on trust, communication, commitment and partnership.

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Aug 30, 2022
Continue Being Smart and Take Your Time
by: Hervy

I know that it is common belief that all truckers OTR are messing around a lot across the states.

Just like in many truckstop lounges I will hear truckers tell married truckers that their women are at home cheating. Insinuating that all women left home will cheat.

Well neither is true!

People are individuals, with their own minds, priorities, goals and agenda.

Having said that. You've made some great observations.

Christian like persona means nothing....
He came on strong...
Other women in photos......

Just be aware that it's something to observe but not assign meaning to yet.

So take it slow and talk more to see what type of person he is.

Ask questions and listen closely to what his goals in life and priorities are.

If he envisions a settling down with the love of his life that is compatible and spending time with her traveling etc....

That tells one story.

If he envisions driving for a lifetime and just saving money or buying a Harley and touring route 66 or something that sounds more like the single life.

That tells another story.

Is he saving and investing?
Building a business?
Health Conscious?

(If these types of things are important to you)

Or is he living day by day or month to month or just letting life unfold as it will.

Basically find out where does he see himself in 10 years or 5 years and what type of thoughts/plans he has to get there.

Does that vision include companionship?
What level of importance does it have on a scale of 1-10?

His receptiveness to these types of questions will also give you an idea of what he thinks about you and whether he can see you as a mate or a date.

Both of you might change your feelings toward each other based on these conversations to be stronger or less interested depending on level of compatibility determined by the similarities or differences in perspectives during those conversations.

Keep playing it smart.

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