Dating owner op driver & would like to ride with him are there any laws in any states that prohibit this

by Hollie
(Harrisburg, PA)

Are girlfriends allowed to ride in the truck as passengers.

Boyfriend is an owner operator. Are there any laws that make riding with a trucker/owner operator illegal?

Comments for Dating owner op driver & would like to ride with him are there any laws in any states that prohibit this

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Jan 10, 2023
Yes Truckers Can Take Passengers If...
by: The Crazy Trucker

There are no state laws that prohibit a spouse, wife, passenger.

Him being an owner operator makes it almost a green light.

If he has his own authority it is totally up to him. If he is leased on to another company then it depends on the company policy.

Smaller mom and pop trucking companies usually won't care. Some larger ones might require waiting for a probationary period or some other rule.

Taking someone with you over the road

(For others reading.... Company drivers are a much more different story. Lots of companies will have rules. Some for age, relationship, time out on the road, etc)

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