Dazed and Confused II
by Ana
Hello, everyone. I shared part of my story once before , it the trouble now is I am much more confused then I was before.
I have been with my OTR boyfriend for 7 months, 5 of which he has been on the road. He has not been able to come home at all. Problem number one with us is that I bought a ticket to go visit him over Easter break and he did not tell me he was not going to be in Indiana during that time.
I feel that he should have told me when he found out. I wasted money. Our biggest problem is communication. He doesn't call me anymore or text me. When I text him he doesn't respond. I feel like he is ignoring me.
When I call him, which is usually once a week he answers most of the time. He always sounds happy to hear me. I feel bad because I know his job is hard and he is treated badly, but at the same time I want to be treated well in my relationship.
Please any advice is appreciated. Dazed and confused!