Dealing with my OTR truck driver husband

by Shannon Grim
(Crestview, Florida)

My husband has been driving a truck for 4 months now. He's home every other weekend. He's home a total of 5 days a month.

Its been difficult at times, due to the fact we have a 20 month old daughter. Love my husband and support him totally. Do I miss him? Yes I do especially in the evenings.

I took to reading books. Lol yeah exciting I know. He calls me 4 to 5 times a day. So we do talk and he always let's me know where he's headed and such.

We are hanging in there so he can get experience to become local driver in time. It comes down to trust with any trucker husband. I totally trust mine. :)

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Sep 01, 2016
Loved reading it!
by: Amanda

Thanks so much for sharing the good stuff!
My hubby has been trucking since we met nearly 3 years ago. It's been tuff at times.

It is his company so he pours his heart and soul into it to, doing long hours sometimes away for 6 weeks at a time. But we talk always. There is never a time that I can't reach him and connect when I or the kids need to.

I loved reading from a mans perspective! Sometimes, especially with kids at home, we women feel we have the hard end!! But it isn't a competition and we are all working hard to keep our family going just in different ways.

As many have said communication is key. We talk about what's bothering us and come up with ways to work it out!

Jul 15, 2016
Be Happy...
by: Anonymous

... that you have cell phones, internet, face-time, etc... because "back in the day'

We had nothing. Then came pager, but often times payphones didnt work and they were off the truck-routes anyway.

I don't know why these messages don't just go directly to other women, but they come to me for some reason also.

I got into a pissing match once with a woman that was taking out her frustrations and anger at her old man on the rest of us

Hats off to you, at least you are trying.

One thing I always suggest is this: Get on Ebay or go to the local Flying J or Luvs truckstop and get yourself one of those "Truckers Wivs's" T-shirts.

They empower you. They give you that extra respect, but at the same time, they respect the guy who is doin the dirty work out here.

Its not easy on a married man, especially with children, to be alone for weeks... thousands of miles away.

Any man who loves his family takes issue with this and it messes with him, distracts him, scares him at times.. he comes home and then he has to face the dread of leaving time and time again.

Truckers are so underrated and demeaned, disprespected. People dont even know what we do out here. The flip us off and cut us off and traat up like we are just out here to aggravate and annoy them, never stopping to think that maybe everything the wear, use and own.. came to them by way of a truck.

We could shut down NYC in 24 hours if we just stopped delivering water and paper for one day. Thats like hauling Gold.. and what do we get in return? Disdain, disprespect, and that middle finger.... and oh, so much else that we absolutely DO NOT deserve

Jul 15, 2016
mapping out the future
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing. Always good to hear about couples who are making it work. Especially good to hear there is a plan in place. I am sure that helps you to deal with the current situation more easily than wondering what the future holds.

I think the most frustrated trucker wives are as frustrated because there has been no conversation about the plans for the future.

Books are exciting, lol! All depends on what you read. Might I suggest...

Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
Bruce Lipton - The Biology of Belief
Gregg Braden - The Matrix
Dr. Gary Chapman - The 5 Love Languages
Tony Robbins - Money master the game

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