Dearest Trucker, (Valentine)

by Laura
(Vancouver BC)

My Dearest Trucker,

Let me start out by saying that I love you very much. You make me smile and my heart sing. Together we share 4 children from previous marriages and have watched them adjust to our lives as they intertwined.

As I work, go to school, play taxi driver, banker, maid, chef, negotiator, plumber, landscaper, auto expert and nurse, my favorite role is being your wife.

Whether I see you during the week for 15 minutes when you are pulling through town, or you are gone for 4 weeks at a time I still feel the same way about you as when we first met. Hearing your voice daily keeps my spirits up.

When you ask how my day was.. and really listen... I know you love me too.

I understand your daily frustrations with traffic, dispatchers, breakdowns and such and try to listen with patience and empathy. Please don't change how much you communicate with me.

Some days are harder than others to be away from you, but I survive knowing that there is someone out there that cares for me.

Valentines Day is coming up, all my married friends are busy making plans with their spouses. They look at me with pity in their eyes, knowing that odds are I won't be with my beloved trucker on this special day.

What they don't know is that because we don't see each other all that much, every time we are together is Valentines Day to me.

With love,
Your Truckers Wife....

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Apr 30, 2012
Aww! NEW
by: Shayna

That was so sweet!

Feb 14, 2012
tear jerker NEW
by: Tracy

could you have pulled the tears out of my eyes any harder....? you nailed it on the head....Happy Valentines Day to all the truckers wives, no matter what the date on the calendar says...

Jan 31, 2012
The Valentines Gift
by: Hervy


Laura, I hope you are pursuing writing as a way to make money. You do an excellent job at it.

Not to mention you have a great attitude and outlook on life. Nice combination.

I think you have given a wonderful Valentines Gift to your trucker and many others who will probably be the recipient of something similar after being influenced by what you have written.

Thanks for sharing this with us.


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