desperate help with my otr boyfriend

by meg rodgers
(hernando ms usa)

ive been dating my otr boyfriend for 5 months he's switched companies twice ats to knight reefer back to ats.
when we first began dating we talked everyday now its like he's always angry with me
I call him most of the time and its like he doesn't wanna talk to me
im so hurt and willing to do anything for this man and he knows I just went through a nasty divorce and im so alone and even more now
i work graveyard as a guard and crazy hours 70+ i live with his grandparents and help take of them
he complains i am always working and never do anything
idk i don't wanna lose him but i feel like i have already im so lost at this point i love him i really do i just wished i could fix this cause my heart is broken in a million pieces at this point
he's a wonderful man i really miss the man i once knew
funny thing is he says ive changed... help any feed back things i can do to improve the situation

atsgurl broken hearted

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May 05, 2015
well NEW
by: Anonymous

first, best if you dont try fixing things. sounds to controlling. we as humans cant fix another human. they can only fix themselves.

second, if you were unhappy 5 months ago and during your marriage, you might want to take a deeper look at self and ask why do I seem to be unhappy in relationships.

third, life is too short to waste it being unhappy! before you know it you will be old and miserable and alone if you keep torturing yourself.

fifth, be good to you! if you dont put yourself first, you cant help out anyone else.

May 05, 2015
Good luck! NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't allow him to dictate when you are happy. If he is a grown man, he knows he is not treating you the way he should when he is angry with you on the phone. I have to tell you that my husband cheated on me while on the road and that was one of the first signs I noticed. He always got angry over nothing, could care less if he talked to me, basically had no interest in what was going on at home or with the kids. I am not saying your boyfriend is cheating, because everyone gets a little sideways here and there because of tiredness etc. When it becomes a habit, it is usually something more than that.

My heart was broken in a million pieces like yours at one time until I realized that it wasn't my husband's responsibility to make me happy and that I needed to find a way to be happy in spite of how he treated me from day to day. Once you can get there, it is easier to look at behaviors and see through them. I am telling you, it is not worth the heartache you will go through for years to be in a relationship like this if this is the way he treats you. It is all a matter of what you want to put up with.

I agree with the other person that commented. Work on yourself! If you just got out of a bad relationship, it is necessary to take the time to recover and figure out who you are again without that relationship and build yourself back up if you were torn down.

I wish you the best of luck and my heart goes out to you, it truly does. Sometimes these guys just don't get what it is like to be the one at home. I know they work hard and go through a lot of stress out on the road, but so do we. If we can pull off being nice and attentive to them during our busy lives of working and children, there should be no reason they can't do the same if that is where their hearts really are. That is my two cents!

May 04, 2015
by: Anonymous

You just said you just got over a nasty divorce & your boyfriend fluctuates from day to day that you do not know how to take him & you mentioned you would do anything for this man! Right now you need to work on yourself & put yourself first. You probably lost your self-esteem & self-worth with your previous man (ex-husband) that you would accept anything to feel loved, wanted & appreciated. You have to start with yourself to love yourself in a healthy way. You deserve better than being with him. I wish you luck because you are willing to do anything for him but it sure does not sound like he is willing to do anything for you!!

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