Detroit Driver ticketed arrested for driving on suspended license. Can I get a trucking job

by TNT

I've recently been thinking about getting my cdl in Michigan. My dilemma is that I've gotten caught up in the drivers responsibility web and unbenounced to me was pulled over arrested and convicted for driving on a suspended license.

I've tried finding the answer searching the web with no success,.................. sooo,

does anyone know if I can still get a cdl if I've had driving on suspension convictions in the past?

if so, how difficult?? is it worth it?

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Jun 08, 2011
It depends on why your license was suspended in the first place
by: Hervy

TNT the way I understand it if your license was suspended because of a violation in a commercial vehicle you can't get a Commercial drivers license until a year has passed from driving while licensed suspended conviction.

Do you qualify for CDLs

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