Diann From Mn Finds Hope for Relationship

by diann

Crazy in love in Minnesota with my truck driver. Wow I am so glad I found this website, It has started to give me hope. Hearing other women's stories and reading these articles have certainly opened my eyes. I have never wanted anything to work more in my life. I hope that my guy will read some of these articles, maybe then he can start to see things through my eyes.

I am learning to trust but it is hard when he pulls away. I know that he loves me and I hope that our life together will be one amazing ride.

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Dec 21, 2009
grateful in MN
by: Anonymous

That is the hardest part of our relationship we do not live together, he lives in another state and both of us have kids but not with each other. It is an amazing story, we dated when we were teenagers and then I moved away and we both married other people. About three years ago he looked me up on the internet and we have been crazy in love ever since but finding time together is really hard and he recently moved to town where all his family and friends live and it seems that it is even more difficult to find time together. How long have you been together? Do you have kids?

Dec 21, 2009
I'm in Minnesota, too!
by: Robin

Hi Diann- I'm in MN and I am married to a truck driver - he just started driving in August. I'm not going to lie - this has been the hardest thing on our relationship. I'd like to think we have a really sturdy, trusting relationship, but the being away causes a lot of tension. It's hard on both of us. Do you live together, married, any children? Good to meet another girl from up north! :)

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