by Sean
(Little River , South Carolina)

To the Truckin' Nation and Crazy trucker:

I don't have a handle yet but am doing all I can to prepare myself for life on the road. Your site has had me glued to my laptop for a couple nights! Now I feel like I'm waiting on XMAS morning, anticipating my first solo(and first paycheck) I think I have a pretty good outlook on life and am pretty practical yadda yadda. But I've worked on the water all my life. How does one deal with the questions and doubts of moving from a life on boats to a sleeper rig? I think all your readers agree that a fresh outlook based on real-life experiences, laid down like you do, are the next best way to finding out next to doing it yourself. I will keep on reading, and continue commenting, as I start my new career. I hope I can contribute half as much as you have. Thanks and keep up the good work! - Sean SC

P.S. Let me know if it would be alright to keep a journal here. I start my CDL training with Driver Solutions on 12/29 and supposed to work for USA Truck.


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Jan 02, 2009
come join the party
by: thecrazytrucker

The trucking industry (as well as society) can always use good people Sean,

Welcome to the big road and to the site.

Sure you can keep a journal here.

I am sure it will be very enlightening to read, just as Collin's has been.

As far as getting used to the change of environment, it seems your transitions is so much different than most but at the same time so much less different than most.

The truck is like a ship traveling across land.


You are not as confined because strange places is not really the ocean but it's not at home either. I don't suppose you will have that hard of a time man, it's really nothing to it. Just a matter of making up in your mind your going to go for it and after that you just plan and prepare for what you can and take the rest as it comes.

No real concerns to be alarmed about so it's a matter of embracing the experience.

Being the fact that you are researching and preparing I'd say you are on your way to a great rewarding change. I will email you about your profile and journal.

Oh, let's see anyone else who want to keep a journal here need visit

sign up for the e zine and you will be give the page address and access code to set up a profile and journal.

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