
by tammy belly
(ky murrays)

WELL im gone say maybe they did u a favor i hope u found work cus i see from experience if u would've stay there u would have lost everything includin your family. my fiance worked for them for about 4mnths they said his first week he made2000 but he brought home 340 so consider your self bless. i could go on an on bout th worse company but u get my point u pay to sit an hold they loads$35 u never no wat u carring could b drugs or even a livin body they aint rite at all

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Sep 04, 2012
I dont understand your post?? NEW
by: Anonymous

I cant make heads or tails of your post, can you explain a little more in detail so I can understand? You are only giving a part of a story and not the full story??

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