Do all truckers cheat?

by anna krieger
(lawton ok usa)

do all truckers cheat and have women or another family in every state?

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Nov 29, 2012
Life after the Cheater
by: K_Bates

""When it SHOULD BE, "Hi!", "I missed you!!!!", "Here, come sit down and enjoy a nice Roast Beef Dinner!", or "Come lay down so I can give you a nice Total Body Massage with this here Lavender Body Oil!"

I did all of this and more! I spent most of my adult life seeing to his needs! All I got in return was to find myself married to selfish ungrateful man. That in the last few years since the divorce has turned out to be bat-sh*t crazy.

I really feel sorry for his new wife. He sold his house and now is going to make her live in the truck with him... I couldn't stand to be in the truck more than 5 weeks at a time with him. The road rage, driving like a lunatic and picking fights over the radio. All of this scared me and terrified me. Only reason I refused to go on the road with him.

I should have know then when I was on the road with him. He would tell me about all these great places he would go, bars, cafes, restaurants, but when I was with him we never went to any of those places.

I always ended up having to eat at the Flying J or Petro even though we drove right past the place he would rant and rave about.

So yeah, I didn't want to see it. It had probably been going on for years. All the while I was just happy as pie in my own little fantasy world.

Life is good now. I got the red motorcycle and 2 yrs of alimony in the divorce. I went back to college and will graduate soon. I refuse to let what is past define me. My only regret, I didn't leave him 10 yrs sooner.

Nov 27, 2012
duh lot lizzards
by: Anonymous

There wouldn't be lot lizzards if they didn't. Most do just because what u don't know won't hurt u. Chances are they would still cheat even if they were home every night. Its just more convinent when they're 1000 miles from home. The chances of getting caught are alot slimmer.

May 07, 2012
Only a Fool Would Believe
by: Anonymous

Let's put it this way do

Traveling Muscians cheat?
Do miltary people cheat?

Traveling saleman?

Ding..Ding..YES! all truckers cheat even the ones that are 350 pounds get lovin when they want it.

I dated and OTR truckers guess what he had me and two other women. He may live with you but unless you’re chained to his hip he has time honey!

You know the calls like this: morning honey! Talk to you tonight then night rolls around. All along you think your the apple of his eye, ha!

Oh! Hun I'm beat, going to call it an early night. Or this one I will be in an area that doesn’t have signal for three days.

Come on ladies are you all sniffing craft glue waiting for him to come home. Keeping the house clean & tidy. For 30 or 40k a year. Mine said oh! but I get to see so many places.

Don’t get me wrong it is a tough thankless job those men and women out on the road.

Faithful very rare.

May 07, 2012
Only a Fool Would Believe
by: Anonymous

Let's put it this way do

Traveling Muscians cheat?
Do miltary people cheat?

Traveling saleman?

Ding..Ding..YES! all truckers cheat even the ones that are 350 pounds get lovin when they want it.

I dated and OTR truckers guess what he had me and two other women. He may live with you but unless you’re chained to his hip he has time honey!

You know the calls like this: morning honey! Talk to you tonight then night rolls around. All along you think your the apple of his eye, ha!

Oh! Hun I'm beat, going to call it an early night. Or this one I will be in an area that doesn’t have signal for three days.

Come on ladies are you all sniffing craft glue waiting for him to come home. Keeping the house clean & tidy. For 30 or 40k a year. Mine said oh! but I get to see so many places.

Don’t get me wrong it is a tough thankless job those men and women out on the road.

Faithful very rare.

Sep 05, 2011
no lot lizards allowed
by: Anonymous

i don't believe my boyfriend would cheat. i've heard him comment on lot lizards and he says they are skanky. he just recently went back to otr but when he did it along time ago he said he had signs on his truck "no lot lizards allowed".

Aug 23, 2011
GIVE THE GUY A BREAK, WHY DON'T U???????!!!??!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by: Anonymous

I BEG TO DIFFER TO ALL YA'LL NEGATIVE, NEGATIVE trucker's wives, girlfriends, friends, whoever YA'LL are!!!!!!!!!!!!-------------
NOT ALL TRUCKERS ARE CHEATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For crying OUT LOUD!!!!!!!! -----------give the Truckers A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most of the time it's YOU ungrateful WOMEN who downgrade and demand SO MUCH TIME AND ATTENTION of your man!!!!!!!!!! Give the guy A BREAK why don't you???????????
Your trucker man comes home and the 1st thing outta your mouth is, "Why? Who? When? Where's the $$$$$$$$$$$, What did you get ME??"
--When it SHOULD BE, "Hi!", "I missed you!!!!", "Here, come sit down and enjoy a nice Roast Beef Dinner!", or "Come lay down so I can give you a nice Total Body Massage with this here Lavender Body Oil!!!!" Come on now, Ladies!!!!!!!!! Give your guy a freakin' BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good LORD have MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He works so freakin' HARD and comes home to a bunch of bull crap!!!!!!!!!!! Back off and be a SUPPORT to him maybe for ONCE in your life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do what you can to support your man.
At the end of the day, I myself as a trucker's companion, have found my hope, strength and support in the Prince Of Peace, Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So next time you're stressed, call on the Name Of Jesus!!! He hears you and will be your Friend that sticketh Closer than a Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Bye All Ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
til next time............

Aug 09, 2011
It's just a matter of time...
by: K_Bates

My ex is a trucker... we where married for 25 wonderful years, raised 3 great kids. I ran our truck company and did books for his Dad and brother. 3 trucking companies in the family all Livestock OTR.

When the kids left home I had a hard time adjusting to being alone. My behavior was always perfect. I never went anywhere when I wasn't in the company of my children, family member or female friend. When we moved to ID, I felt trapped because I didn't have anyone to do things. I stayed locked up in my house and started making friends online.

He hated my internet friends because they made me laugh and happy. Something he had stopped trying to do. It was the only way I could keep from going insane from the loneliness.

He called me every day to tell me everything he had done in the last 24 hours. Never once asked how I was doing. On our 25th wedding anniversary I didn't get any roses (he had always sent 1 for every yr we where married.) Nor did he call. I sat at home crying all day and night. I tried to call him and got his voice mail. At 3 am he finally called me, all he talked about was himself and the truck.

I was devastated that he had forgotten, it was the first time in 25 yrs.
He stayed out for 3 months straight and stopped calling. I begged him to come home, he wouldn’t.

He has a good boss, he could have at anytime. When I asked about the flowers he said he sent them to a buddy in the hospital, I told him it was a nice thing to do and I hoped that his buddy recovered.

For 3 months he kept bitching at me, that I didn’t care about our 25 yrs together because I didn't even get him a card. Which truck stop was I suppose to send it?

I was making plans for a second honeymoon, I wanted it to be a surprise. I was the one that got the surprise. While searching the net for places to stay, I got a site with a banner ad for and I'll be damned if there wasn't a picture of my loving husband of 25 yrs with his red motorcycle that I had scrimped and saved to make every payment on!

I checked his email... I found a chat between himself and his buddy... F*** buddy.

I had gone through hell of decades of loneliness, raised his children to be proud of him and what he did, told him every day how much I appreciated his hard work and absolutely trusted and loved him with all my heart.

Guess who got my 25 roses?

I called and told him what I had found. First he accused me of looking. He said the only way I could have found it was if I was a member and “out there looking”. Then changed his story to he was just doing what I did with my internet friends.

It was not and offered all my chat logs to prove it. Told him I was leaving. He was home in 3 days. Tried to work things out, his solution was for me to live in a trailer at a feedlot in CA so I could be available when he was there.

I refused to be a booty call.

Like I said, it is only a matter of time. Especially when the driver forgets to remain a humble family man.

Jul 29, 2011
lizards go away
by: Anonymous

I think if the person is that kind of person to cheat then they will.. I tell lot lizards to go away, I wear my ring, call my wife all the time, would never cheat on her.

Jul 27, 2011
Cheater or Not
by: Anonymous

I did get burned by J** a long haul truck driver I honestiy think when it comes right down to it

It's the man not the job and he has no respect for women.

Jul 27, 2011
Cheater or Not
by: Anonymous

I did get burned by J** a long haul truck driver I honestiy think when it comes right down to it

It's the man not the job and he has no respect for women.

Jul 06, 2011
Cheat liar steal
by: Anonymous

I agree with Yes they do. My ex-husband trucker is paying me alimony now, he cheated with the security guard at FFE Belinda Brown. If you hear the name Joe Daniels, run he tell lies saying he is a christian, he cheated with a clerk at JB Hunt. He cheat at all truck companies.

Jun 03, 2011
Some do some dont
by: Sissy Berry

I think if they cheat, they most likely cheated before they became a truck driver, so being on the road is no different.My boyfriend lives with me, and i trust him. If you do not have trust you do not have nothing.There is good and bad in everything. But i think the good truckers out weigh the bad ones.

May 26, 2011
yes they do
by: Anonymous

you"re fuckin right they do...all truckers are dirt bags!

Apr 10, 2011
by: Anonymous

Not only do they cheat, but they lie about it...and very well i might add...the ones who have something to hide from you will tell you any & everything you WANT to hear, just to keep you happy, but trust me, they are telling it to all the other women in their life too...and trust me they have them.

I have plenty of friends who have been in this business a long time, and I've heard all the stories...when your man "loses phone service" or "was really busy" or any other excuse, trust me, he's cheating...if they love you and only you, they will always find a way to talk to you, no matter's the cold ugly truth, but, at least its the truth.

Apr 03, 2011
Husbands looking ?
by: Jimmy

Some do, some don't. Most drivers have waaaaaaaaay too much to do with no time to fool around. Your hubby working at the local factory could be cheating, right ? I've seen many a lady in a bar over the years while hubby is either an airline pilot, in the military or a truck driver. Jimmy

Apr 03, 2011
by: Anonymous


Apr 03, 2011

Let's hope not. That would be very sad. Just remember that every man is his own person and some will and some would never!!

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