Do any companies allow babies as riders

by BB

I used to be an over the road driver and I just found out that I am pregnant so I came off of the road I would like to know once I have my baby are there any companies that would allow me to drive and have my baby as a rider thank you

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Jun 15, 2015
Driving with baby NEW
by: Anonymous

I had the same question!! I have had my CDL since 2003 and became pregnant last fall. I'm now 35 weeks and the income dive I took from getting off the truck has made it hard to survive. I've been thinking about going back after he's born, but don't want to be away from my baby for that long. My boyfriend can also drive and team with me if necessary. But I didn't know what my options were, or if I even had any.

Jun 14, 2015
does the dot allow babies in the jump seat? NEW
by: Anonymous

if u have 2 or more yrs experience of clean driving im sure it would not be a problem at our company. but have you thought of the car seat issue. can babies ride in the front seat of a cmv is the question you need to find out the answer too. if the can and you wish to contact me for more info, call me at 706-604-8130. We have less than z 10 percent turnover,great csa scores, more miles thzn u can run and great pay.

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