Do I Have A Chance at Trucking?

by Debonaire McIntosh
(Winter Haven FL)

I have a misdemeanor possession of marijuana from 2008 and a felony Arrest for inciting a riot from 2006-2007 of which I was never charged or convicted. Just arrested for the charge, the entire felony case was dismissed.

Unfortunately the arrest still shows on my background. I don't know if this effects my ability to find a job because most companies don't tell you why you are denied employment.

Also I had my Drivers license suspended November of 2009 for 2years (09-11) I've had my license back for quite some time & I've had no problems what so ever & the misdemeanor was the first & ONLY real time I actually did something wrong.

The felony was a unlawful arrest of which police assumed I was an aggressor which was proven not to be the case which is why the case was dismissed & I never even received a court date.

Please help me out, I don't know if I should consider this bad or not but I've never had a DUI or anything else major.

I'm looking for a company that will give me a shot to gain experience driving over the road, I'm single with no kids & I'm 25 so I have no problem being on the road.

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Mar 20, 2018
What's the update
by: Hervy

How did it go? Did you ever find a truck driving job?

Dec 15, 2014
Family search
by: Karen Hill

Looking for Lloyd A McIntosh from Jamaica. Motger Cherry Douglas. Grand mother Thelma Fagan. I am Karen McIntosh his sister. 443-745-6496. Please call. You might be my nephew.

Apr 12, 2014
Suspended license is not good for getting hired
by: Anonymous

suspended license is not good. Why was it suspended? DUI's dont come off regular DMV records for 10 years. Look to see how long it takes to drop off suspended license in your state.

other than that you are an Insurance risk to companies. However, if you have your own company owner/operator that might be a different story.

Apr 11, 2014
call a recruiter
by: Anonymous

your chances sound better then some.

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