Do I have to go back to trucking school to get a job

I have had my cdl since 2008 and I only went to the trucking school and went overseas for a while with no experience at all. Will a company hire me even though it's been over three years since I've graduated and have no experience

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Sep 13, 2011
Getting hired with no recent experience
by: Hervy

It will be a challenge. In fact nearly impossible without any experience. To get a better more accurate idea though call some trucking companies and get some direct feedback.

You don't have to tell them who you are.

Some trucking school may give you a reduced rate for a refresher course since you already have your Class A's though. It should be a greatly reduced rate. Call around to them also and get some feedback.

Good luck!

Let us know what kind of feedback you get, I am sure there are some others here who have a similar issue.


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