Do not know husband anymore

I need advice & help. I have no idea what is troubling my husband whether he is being influenced by someone else, has met someone or what.

When my husband was home 7 weeks ago everything was fine & we all got along fine. He even sent me a very sweet post on social media for Mother's Day & he asked me when Father's Day was & I told him & he said he was thinking of putting in for some home time for Father's Day weekend & I said great.

Well for some apparent reason unknown to me & the kids about a few weeks after Mother's Day he never wanted to talk to the kids, has started verbal fights with me, he talks to me as though I am not his wife like I am a total stranger!

I told him I got my haircut & first thing out of his mouth was how short did you get it. I told him you never been like this before. I reminded him that I am the one that has to take care of my hair & everyone likes it & thinks it is cute.

When we did argue, I told him he needs to apologize & he said he did no wrong so he doesn't need to apologize for anything even as far as saying the F word & stronger. He said to me the other day that next time he is home he expects me to do what he wants & please him the way he wants.

I asked him to reveal what he means & he says do I have to spell it out to you. I said I am not a mind reader & then he becomes threatening by saying well then I guess the end of June is approaching & as each day goes by, that is closer & closer that he quits & that we all have no more medical coverage.

I asked him today if he was putting in for home time for Father's Day which is only 9 days away & what he said broke my heart by him saying what for, why should I work when no one can give me what I want & anyway the end of the month I will be out of a job.

My kids are starting to hate their father because both my kids told me they heard me last night say to him why are you treating me this way & my kids told me they knew it was him & they told me they are for me, not him & if he doesn't come home for Father's Day, so what, it is no biggie!

Apparently they must have told their friends about him because their one friend came right out & asked me what lot lizard did he get knocked up? At the time when this was asked, I dropped the pitcher that had water in it & of course it went all over the floor & thank God the pitcher was plastic.

By the way, the kid that asked me this question was 13, a female, a friend to one of my daughter's. Well it took me a few minutes to gain composure & I asked her where did she get this idea from & her reply to me was after she told me to sit down but she said she Googles stuff a lot & it is & was a known fact that ALL truckers get & watch porn, have a woman or women on the side, have kids by other women, do drugs, do a lot of illegal things!

And me & the kids have to rely on his medical coverage because I lost my job due to cutbacks. Also if I do not pick up the phone right away, he sends nasty voicemails like why didn't I answer right away & on his end we lost connections, he sends a txt msg demanding why I hung up!

Why is he this way & what is the best solution to handle this because me & the kids have no where to go or turn to. The brother of this girl that Googles stuff cannot stand my husband & his father has a large gun collection that they use when they go hunting & some of the guns are shotguns, high caliber rifles & with my husband's personality lately, he may find himself in the crosshairs of one of these weapons by this kid that is getting pissed off from my husband!

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Sep 14, 2014
... NEW
by: Anonymous

dont believe what a 13 year old says they are all liars...have her google that one!! lol

Sep 13, 2014
how is things going now? NEW
by: Anonymous

How have things been? I am afraid of this type of behaivor. I undersrand that driving trucks can be crazy. Hope all is well

Jun 11, 2014
... NEW
by: Anonymous

see my same comment that can be seen on your other post.

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