Do not understand how some people can keep their jobs

I am not a trucker but a trucker's wife & my husband drives team & my husband does not like his team driver. Now, I do not like to see anyone lose their job but what my husband's team driver did, my husband thought for sure the guy would have lost his job.

Well, when my husband was sleeping in the sleeper berth at night, his team driver stopped to get out of the truck & never put the brakes on causing the tractor/trailer to jackknife & my husband told me that if another truck was coming down the highway & slammed into the tractor he would have been killed & his team driver is no rookie & he made a rookie mistake. The damage was mainly on the passenger side of both the tractor & trailer.

My husband took pics of it on his cell phone & sent it to me & the damage was very bad & the truck went into the shop & it cost the company close to $50,000.00. I even showed the pics to my parents & my Mom said oh that guy is going to lose his job!

Well they got my husband another truck & he still has the same team driver & my Dad even said he does not like to see anyone lose their job but that looked like a cause for termination considering he almost killed my husband & on top of that the team driver never told my husband he is getting off the truck the end of this month, my husband found the message on the computer in the truck when my husband signed on to start taking over driving & the message to the fleet manager
said "Need to find Paul another team driver by the end of this month because I need dental work & need to renew my license for my car".

When my husband called me in the morning, I could tell there was something wrong by his tone & he ranted on & on about this dude & I asked him if he said anything to his team driver & he said no & I told my husband accidents happen but if someone almost killed me I would blast that person especially since this team driver supposedly has 25 years experience & he is no rookie & the way my husband talks about this guy, there is no love lost & I even asked my husband could this guy have done it intentionally?

Plus when my husband does come home for home time, this other guy goes & stays at the nearest truck stop because he told my husband he is homeless & has no home, ah duh, you need to put down an address on your driver!s license, I mentioned that, & my husband told me he does not ask this guy anything because he does not like him!

The company gave this guy to my husband after my husband's first team driver left & this guy told my husband he has been through at least 40-50 team drivers! Good golly, like I told my friends & parents welcome to my world when you guys get confused over this, how do you think I feel! Is this the way team driving works?

My Dad said to me oh I betcha if Paul did that, they would have canned his butt ASAP & I said Yep with his luck, they would of!!

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Feb 22, 2015
you are right to be upset NEW
by: Anonymous

This person should have been fired? First of all the insurance company would want to know how it happened right? They want to know if any other person is responsible for the damage right? (for example another person driving down the road could have caused it and the insurance company would want to go after the other at fault driver.) Second it would cause the truck companies insurance to go up so how do they explain that one? This guy has to be related to someone to get away with this or (since you said he never had a wife or girlfriend he must be doing one the guys at that company!! hahaha lol!)

I think your hubby needs to find a better company to work for as soon as he is able to there is something wrong with the company not your husband!!

As for the seedy dude he has to drive with something is wrong with that picture and I would high tail it outta that situation if I were him.

Feb 20, 2015
Industry standard NEW
by: Anonymous

To the person that commented that the other driver was valued more than my husband, you probably in the past done the same thing & at least my husband is neat & presentable, keeps his hair short, shaves everyday, my husband took a pic of his team driver & deplorable looking - a beard longer than ZZ Top, hair down to his waist, & the dude is no youngster, plus on top of that, he told my husband when they first teamed up that he was homeless, never had a girlfriend or a wife, well I guess with his appearance who the hell would want him & you fit the mold of a typical trucker loving to use the F word, now I can see why my one co-worker does not have a good opinion of truckers & would never date one because she met some with the likes of you & about his team driver not losing his job, maybe he knows someone in corporate that he is kissing their ass, & at least my husband has the common sense to put on the emergency brake & FYI my husband did receive a certificate from his company for driver of the year! It is people like you that give truckers a negative image!!

Feb 20, 2015
Its sad that that happened but makes sense NEW
by: Anonymous

As someone who works for a company that requires a lot of truck drivers, the sad reality is that right now there is a huge shortage of truck drivers. It is very hard to find enough people to hire right now so it is harder to fire people nowadays even if they really deserve it.

Jan 22, 2015
industry standard NEW
by: Anonymous

3 incidents duh!

guy did not set his brakes yea its bad. But so is other things in driving.
50K in damages and he still has his job but you think your hubby would have been canned sounds like we know which driver is more valued huh?

shit happens, every damn day.

but i am sure your hubby NEVER fucks up right?

Jan 21, 2015
I do understand NEW
by: Anonymous

I dont know how or when this got started but flakes always seem to be able to keep their jobs, and the good guy who works hard is the one who gets all the flack and then gets fired for the first thing that goes wrong!! This is a phenomenon that is in the work force that is unexplainable I have watched it all my work life. My only guess is that it may have stemmed from when Jesus was wrongly persecuted for being a loving human being with his own beliefs. Good guys always come in last. However, they can live within their own skin and they sure do sleep better than the flakes!! :)

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