Do prior non preventable accidents you have been in prior to obtaining your CDL effect your chances of getting a job?

by JD

I was in three accidents in 2007, all not my fault--I have police reports which can verify this--one was a rear end accident, one was when a lady ran a red light and hit me, and the third was when a man tried to pass me while I was completing a legal u-turn and hit my rear bumper--the guy was given a citation. All these accidents are showing up on my California MVR, but no points were assigned and I have the police reports to prove that they were all not my fault.

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Apr 21, 2010
Bad Luck
by: NickV

Hey man if they werent your fault and you got documents proving so then your in the clear. Gonna suck writing all that down on all your apps cause unfortunatly they do want to know of what you have been involved in, your fault or not. Good luck buddy

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