Do trucking companies check medical records?


I know they do background checks but do they look at medical records from the past?

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Jun 11, 2010
will truck companies check your med records,even if you sign app giving permission
by: Anonymous

what if you recently went to the doctors for your shoulder. and i start a new truck driving job will they check my med records if i give them promission on the app as the companies always have you sign.

Mar 28, 2010
depression medication?
by: Anonymous

I am a driver recently diagnosed with depression. The doc gave me a prescription for citalopram, which is for depression. How does the dot regard this particular antideppresant?

Feb 20, 2010
What's Thomas hiding?
by: Jimmy

Thomas, not to worry. A common misconception is trucking companies have access to anyones medical records. Not true. When you visit the Doc, your records stay in his office, they are NOT put into any kind of data base. Plus there is this privacy thing going on now, have you noticed? Banks, credit cards, hospitals are forever telling us how they honor our privacy blah blah blah. But, be aware that if you went to the Doc and was diagnosed with a disease that could hamper your driving ability, the Doc is obligated to notify DMV that your have a problem and the DMV would take some kind of action. Jimmy

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