do u know of any companys that offer a refresher course

by denny n
(jamestown ky)

i have 17 months exp but none since april of 07

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Apr 19, 2010
Just some info
by: NickV

I am currently hired with CRST and they made me take a refresher. They paid half the cost also. It was at a place called C1 in Little Rock, AR and I had to pay 250 out of pocket and they paid the other half. Also the place put me up in their living quarters for the same price. Wasnt the best but it was cheaper than a hotel for a week.

Apr 15, 2010
documentable route
by: denny

what is a documentable route

Apr 14, 2010
Refresher courses for truck drivers
by: Hervy

Denny, there are a few schools that offer refresher courses like Future Truckers of America (they are in NC, Va, SC a good ways off from where you are) but these schools are pretty expensive.

You may want to search locally and even just call companys that train but may not advertise refresher courses and just ask them how much they would charge you for a couple of days of driving on the road.

You know some people can't wrap there minds around something new. So you may have to ask different ways to get the time behind the wheel.

Then again, you may need to go a documentable route s other companies will give you credit for it, hadn't thought about that.

Well, good luck my friend, let us know what you find in the area.

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