I appreciate all the replies.. But I am NOT mechanically inclined.. I coodnt fix a car to save my life. I will try my best in truck school.
Mar 01, 2015 Rating
Yes you do…….NEW by: Jimmy
Yeah, you need to do it from memory. It helps if you're mechanically inclined and can look at and identify parts. Then you just look at the part and say verbally what it does and how you inspect it.
Feb 28, 2015 Rating
here is the short of it.NEW by: Anonymous
IF ITS PART OF THE TRUCK IT NEEDS TO BE INSPECTED period!!!!! there is tons to remember but use common sense, what could be wrong with this particular part of the truck. tires be ABC's, rims loose broken or bent.
i had my girl test me about everyday, hell she could pass that test by then. seriously you can do this
I studied my butt off i was 40 years old anyone can do this.
Feb 28, 2015 Rating
No notes or study guide by: Hervy
Unless things have changed, you won't be able to have any notes or guides.
It is a lot of stuff to remember. Here is the technique that I advise. Step back and look at the big picture. What are you really doing?
You are going checking everything that could logically be faulty which would cause a problem. So just pick your starting point, point out all of the parts, think about what they do. If you know what they do, then you know what condition they need to be in or that if they fail it won't be able to do what it is supposed to.
So really if you just remember the parts and what they do, you don't have to memorize exact wording and you don't have to memorize a specific order, you just need to call out the name of the part and why you are checking them.
You don't get dinged for naming extra parts that you don't need or checking for things that go beyond the scope of the test.
So don't so much about taking a test to get your CDL..... be thinking about doing the real pretrip before taking a real load out on the road with safety in mind. You will be more relaxed and think more clearly.
Don't worry about the examiner. Just think about real life safety. It's less intimidating and more easier to do that way.