Do you have to have a G.E.D

by chris

I need help I was wanting to go to school for truck diving and I know that the school does not require a G.E.D but I was wanting to know if I could even get a job without one .

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Jan 09, 2014
by: M Watson

There are many programs online where you can acquire a high school diploma. That is just another option for you. Most companies do not require a high school diploma but it does look better on a resume. Good Luck!!

Jan 08, 2014
Get a G.E.D. NEW
by: Hervy

Chris most companies are going to want a G.E.D.

Go ahead and get it man if you can. It's worth it for more than just the trucking job.

Assuming its a good G.E.D. program.

Jan 06, 2014
ged NEW
by: Anonymous

yes, but many companies want to see a person willing to commit to a coriculum. it shows committment.

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