does a refusel for a drug screen go on your record?

i was asked to take a drug test by this garbage company i drove for.

I knew my pee was hot so i told em im dirty and i quit.

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Mar 11, 2012
If your gonna drive something that big don't do drugs.
by: Larry Shirey

If they didn't report it they should have.

Mar 11, 2012
If your gonna drive something that big don't do drugs.
by: Larry Shirey

If they didn't report it they should have.

Mar 09, 2012
by: NickV

You should have had to sign a paper when you started for your first pee test. That document states they can test you at any time whether it be for randoms or an accident or whatever.

Refusal is the same as a fail. Now whether or not they want to put it on your dac is up to them but seeing as though you quit they more than likely did

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