Does a service member need to return to home state to get CDLs

Does CDL have to come from home state

Does CDL have to come from home state

For service members getting a head start on setting up a career in trucking after their contract runs out, would they need to return to their home state to test for a CDL, or test in the state they are stationed in? (Most keep their home state drivers licenses)

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Dec 13, 2023
They Can Test There
by: The Crazy Trucker

As far as I understand they can test anywhere and transfer it to the home state.

But it might be different depending on the home state. So call your local DMV and ask to make sure.

Eventually, if he/she has a residence in a state, the address/state of the cdl needs to match.

In North Carolina they say you get 30 days. Don't know what exactly happens after the 30 days, lol.

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