Does a switch tractor need to close doors traveling 80 yards on a public road?

by Brad

I need to pick up a trailer at one location from a dock and deliver it to a dock across the street to another dock. I know the local police see me do it and they don't pull me over. My boss seen me do it and I was told its a law to close them.

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Jun 06, 2016
Secure the load NEW
by: Jimmy

Your load must be secured, by law. So if you run across the street doing 3 mph with a waist high pallet load that's loaded 5-6' inside the trailer, I wouldn't worry. But if its floor to ceiling loaded to back doors and you drive 15 mph with open doors, that could be a problem. Now, if you 'secure' the load with straps or load locks, then its legal with open doors. But another issue is the trailer rocking and twisting as you go over bumps curbs rr tracks etc.

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