Does anyone know someone looking for a job?

by Jessi
(Canfield OH)

My father suffered a massive heart attack and then had to have open heart surgery 3 weeks ago. We are looking to put someone in our truck and get it back out on the road. We are desperate to find someone with dump experience and someone who has or can get a hazmat endorsement.

We really need to put someone in the truck and get it out making money because it is the sole source of income for our family.

This is causing so much undue stress on my father and family while he should be recovering.

If anybody knows anyone who would like to come work for our family please contact me 330 360 1740 and leave a message for Jessi. Thanks so much.

Ive grown up in the trucking world and I know someone out there has got to know someone who would like to come drive for us.

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Oct 04, 2010
I have driver 4 u
by: American Trucker

I have a driver for you in your area .he called you this morning left mesg. He is a very hard worker and will do great job for you.

regards Carl

Oct 03, 2010
Does anyone know someone looking for a job?
by: Dennis Shipman

Hey Jessi, Sorry to have referred to you as man. Jessi is the feminine derivation of Jesse isn't it? Okay.

Again, after thoroughly reading your email, I realize you guys are in Ohio. I ran with Wills Trucking from Ohio hauling hazardous waste in a dump trailer for years. But let's exchange electronic mail addresses. Mine is

I am immediately available, have extensive dump trailer experience, but need to know if your father was leased to someone, or has his own contracts? Does he have a sleeper or day cab?

How would we work out daily expenses: i.e., fuel, oil, antifreeze, tolls (if any) etc?

Where would I stay, and who would pay, until you located someone to drive permanently (and I could help you out with this with my 25 years in the business) or until your father finishes convalescing?

Oct 03, 2010
Contact me
by: Anonymous

Its american trucker. I can put someone in truck asap.full time call me 440-662-8077 8-5pm eastern.
Thank you carl

Oct 03, 2010
I can provide the service you need.
by: Dennis Shipman

Hi, my name is Dennis "Kazoo" Shipman. I am sure Hervy would agree, I'm one of the moderators on this site. I feel you, man. I can help you guys out for a month or two while you look for someone permanent. But I need more information.

This is an Atlanta area code? Is this local waste hauling, or OTR HAZMAT? Is this a daycab or sleeper? I do not take calls because I am too busy but if you could provide me with these details, I will be on contact. And contact Hervy the site's owner if you wanna know more bout me. 10-4?

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