does coca cola random drug test it's truck drivers

I got hired as a driver for coca cola and was wondering if there would be random drug test?

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Feb 20, 2023
Weed NEW
by: Anonymous

If you want to smoke weed on the weekend just keep fetish urine with you..Its stupid you can drink yourself stupid but can't s smoke and eat on the weekend

Sep 11, 2014
by: From Florida

Aint nothin wrong with weed and truckin.Been doin it for years.Let your dicks out for some air for a change eh and stop making truckin sound sodamn glorified.Sheesh

Sep 11, 2014
by: From Florida

Aint nothin wrong with weed and truckin.Been doin it for years.Let your dicks out for some air for a change eh and stop making truckin sound sodamn glorified.Sheesh

Mar 24, 2013
so called cmv truckers don't do drugs
by: Anonymous

you guys are all full of it you act like you all are perfect and don't do is not descrespectful to ask a question about drug tests.

some people are turning there lifes around and going clean,and all you narrow minded people see is he/she is a drug addict. Wake up there are ALOT of you truckers that do do drugs, so try supporting the people that going clean and not asume ther still going to do drugs and drive.

You should not be able to drink eather hangover the next day why don't you guy complain about drinking which is more dangerous than weed.thanks

Jun 07, 2012
by: NickV

If a company drug tests you to get on you can pretty much be safe with saying they can do it at anytime. Especially a company like Coca Cola.

Plus you can get hurt at anytime and if you expect to collect workers comp you best be clean.

ALSO, if you get in an accident the first thing that's gonna happen is a drug test. Now you are not talking about losing your job its now a question of your freedom. I dont know when the hell you people are going to realize this but you ALL need to decide and its cut and dry.

Do you want to do drugs or do you want a damn CDL?

There are no ways to have both so quit asking questions about drugs. You aren't cool, and quite frankly you are just pissing off the guys who answer REAL questions about trucking for you.
Drugs dont mix with driving and you can multiply that by a million when it comes to driving a CMV. Make money or do drugs, the answer is freakin simple

Apr 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

Yes they do... so leave the drugs at home.

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