does driving so much cause decreased libido?

my boyfriend is a OTR driver. He seems to have a decreases libido from so much sitting time, no exercise, and poor diet. is this common in the industry?

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Jan 15, 2013
Need testosterone NEW
by: Anonymous

That could be true. The body needs optimum levels of the hormone testosterone to maintain a strong sex drive. And poor diet and no exercise can contribute to poor testosterone levels. In such a case, your boyfriend should resort to a healthy diet with smart fats that don’t block arteries and are heart-friendly, and eat foods rich in zinc, protein, and carbohydrates. Tell him to work out whenever he finds time. Inactivity can cause testosterone levels to plummet. You could also suggest he reads Ageless Male reviews – this supplement has proved to be a blessing in disguise for men who suffer from low libido. Don’t get sidetracked by Ageless Male scam reviews – this supplement only contains natural and clinically proven ingredients that have no side effects and are safe to use. I'm sure he'll experience a positive change in his libido if he follows the tips above. Good luck!

Dec 07, 2012
great sex life NEW
by: Anonymous

MY truckers libido has definitely gone up! Think its the long times between visits home!!!

Dec 07, 2012
great sex life NEW
by: Anonymous

MY truckers libido has definitely gone up! Think its the long times between visits home!!!

Dec 06, 2012
Me too NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm wondering the same thing. If any of the truckers could comment, that would be helpful.

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