Does having an accident mean disqualification

by Jon Houck
(Pitsburgh, PA)

I had an accident in March 2015 during a big snow in western PA. The police were not called and it was ruled against me. I paid 3500.00 in repairs, I haven't had a speeding ticket or a n accident since. Will I be automatically disqualified to train in a truck driving school with this infraction?

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Jan 22, 2016
You are not the disqualified
by: Hervy

No Jon, you are not disqualified from trucking school due to an accident. There might be trucking companies who won't hire you with the accident a year old probably depending most on the situation.

Like was it so ridiculous that you should not have been driving (in their opinion) and the the specifics of the accident. Like did you pull to a stop sign like normal and slide into an intersection or something....

But those are all details that you first have to be asked about or have a chance to provide.

Some trucking companies will see accident and go to the next app.

You can go to school and I believe that you can get hired, if the rest of your driving record is good. Especially if you have a few years experience under your belt. You didn't mention that one way or another.

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