Does PAM transport have antennas already installed on the trucks or does the driver have to purchase the antenna?

by Michael
(Lufkin, TX)

Need to know if I have to purchase an antenna for my truck when I get it.

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Feb 01, 2012
Break 1-9...hello...hello NEW
by: NickV

Most trucks have antennas on both sides of the truck already. They come with them when you buy them. Before you sign them papers make sure you look over that truck and get everything you see fixed on it. Your antennas may have been snapped off, which is really easy to do on tree branches and whatnot. Tell them, I guarantee they have antennas in the shop if not brand new ones then ones they have stripped off old trucks. If they say it comes out of your pocket then explain to them that you are going to take your CDL somewhere else and I bet they change their tone. That truck should be worth every dime your paying for it so make sure of it. Good Luck

Jan 27, 2012
factory antennas on new trucks
by: Anonymous

All newer trucks have antennas.

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