does trans am observe you during your UA?

by savannah
(orlando fl)

Hi there. I am very uncomfortable at the thought of a stranger observing me perform my UA due to being severely molested as a child.

Is it my legal right to do my UA with observation or will they tell me that they have to? From my understanding it violates my 4th amendment rights.

Please need this Question answered asap. Thank you very much :)

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Jul 14, 2015
They do lol NEW
by: Anonymous

Well they watched everyone so i went with a different company. Also covenant watches you as well.

Jul 14, 2015
by: Hellboy

No, they don't watch you. You just go into a bathroom and they tell you not to turn the water on or flush the toilet. It's just like any other piss test I've had for jobs, but you have to have it done at a DOT authorized facility, or I guess the company itself. But no, I know of nowhere that you are required to be watched while you're trying to urinate. I just had one done last week.

Jun 21, 2015
UA testing NEW
by: Anonymous

I have had my commercial license since 1993 and I have had many UA tests, pre-employment or random, and I have yet to be observed. Many people are reluctant to be observed whether they have been molested or not but I understand. You are sent to a toilet area that is specially set aside for drug screen UA testing purposes.

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